Read, Watch, Listen

The Palace Project
The Palace Project provides eBook and audiobook content through the Palace app (Apple Store or Google Play).

Listen Up! Vermont!
Bringing you downloadable audiobooks and eBooks from the Green Mountain Library Consortium.

Kanopy is an online streaming service with over 30,000 films.
Research & Learn

Nearly 20,000 online video courses! The top-rated courses offer upskilling across 75+ different categories.

Peterson’s Test and Career Prep
Search thousands of schools, identify scholarships, take practice tests, create resumes, and explore careers.

Vermont Online Library
Search magazine articles and databases.

Koha Online Catalog
Search the library catalog, renew books, and place holds on books from any computer with Internet access.

Family Search
A free online genealogical research database that allows you to search for records, create your family trees, and more!