Nontraditional Items
Aventon Pace 500.3
Step-Through Cruisers
Size recommendations:
Regular 4′ 11″ – 5′ 7″
Large 5′ 7″ – 6′ 1″
E-bike borrowing policy:
• E-bikes are borrowed for a period of three days (Tuesday – Thursday or Friday – Monday).
• Each patron may borrow one e-bike either one Tuesday-Thursday OR one Friday to Monday period per month.
• E-bikes must be ridden away from the Library or transported by a truck or trailer.
• E-bikes must be returned fully charged.
• Individuals must be at least 18 years of age and have a valid St. Albans Free Library card to borrow an e-bike.
• Bike must be stored in a secured indoor space. No porches, unlocked sheds, or shared storage spaces.
• Bikes can be reserved in advance by contacting the library.
• An e-bike waiver must be filled out and signed each time a bike is borrowed by each borrower.
• You must be prepared to either ride the bike home or have a truck or trailer to transport it; these bikes are too large to fit in a car or vehicle bike rack.
• Return your e-bike to the library on Thursday or Monday, as appropriate to your loan period, fully charged.